Astrological Prediction: A Handbook of Techniques
This new work by popular Turkish astrologer Öner Döşer embodies an important new trend in astrology: the harmonizing of traditional and modern techniques for contemporary astrologers. The traditional techniques here include: Ptolemy’s Ages of Man, triplicity periods, distributions or directions through the bounds, primary directions, profections, and firdaria. Contemporary techniques include secondary progressions, solar arcs, and transits. Click here for a PDF excerpt.

Financial Significators in Traditional Astrology
As part of a new series published by The Cazimi Press, this release by leading Turkish astrologer Öner Döşer explains how to assess financial opportunities and earning capacity in the birth chart, using planetary significators like Jupiter, houses and their lords, and Lots.

Professional Significators in Traditional Astrology
As part of a new series published by The Cazimi Press, this release by leading Turkish astrologer Öner Döşer explains how to assess professional skills and career in the birth chart, using planetary significators, houses and their lords, and Lots.

The Art of Horary Astrology
As part of a new series published by The Cazimi Press, this release by leading Turkish astrologer Öner Döşer explains the powerful art of horary astrology: casting a chart in order to answer pressing questions of the moment.