A Traditional Approach to Lots
This workshop presents rules and numerous example charts for 6 Lots (“Arabic Parts”) useful in natal interpretation: the Lots of the father, mother, children, marriage, friends, and work/action. No previous knowledge of Lots or allegiance to traditional methods is assumed. See longer description below. Contains: MP3 and slides. Length: 2:50:00, 78MB.

AFA 2011 Traditional Astrology Conference
In September 2011, the oldest American astrological association, the American Federation of Astrologers, hosted a three-day traditional astrology conference. Held in honor of James Holden's research into and historic translations of traditional texts, Benjamin Dykes, Demetra George, and Chris Brennan gave extensive presentations on numerous traditional concepts and techniques. Running at 13 hours of audio (375 MB), this audio download contains MP3 recordings of the proceedings, plus many PDF slides and study aids. See list of lectures below.

Ascensional Times: Theory and Practice
This lecture explains the meaning and uses of ascensional times (measuring how fast the signs rise), from their philosophical meaning to their use in elections, map-making and climes, distributions (a kind of primary direction), judging sect in a chart, personality types across the world, symbolic predictions with triplicity lords of the sect light, and calculating solar return Ascendants.The download includes PDF slides and a handout. Length 1:13:31, 48MB.

Eminence and Status in Traditional Astrology
This lecture describes numerous traditional techniques for evaluating eminence and status in a natal chart. All of the techniques are applied to two charts of famous individuals, Michael Jackson and Bill Gates. Length 2:33:00, 70MB.

FAA 2010 Interview: Translating the Tradition
In this interview by Brian Clark, Dr. Dykes explains a bit about his background, what is important about traditional astrology, and its future. Length 38:10, 17MB. $4.99

FAA 2010 Lecture: Introduction to Solar Revolutions
This short lecture introduces several solar revolution techniques, part of the Persian suite of annual predictive techniques: profections, the solar revolution chart, and transits. Length 1:08:57, 31MB.

FAA 2010 Workshop: Special topics
This advanced workshop takes a tour through five special topics in traditional delineation and prediction: detriment and fall, aversion, bounds, stakes/angles and overcoming, and profession. Total length: 3:32:51, 48MB.

FAA 2010: Relationships and sexuality
This lecture introduces traditional techniques for delineating sexuality and relationships in the chart, from the 7th house to Venus, to predictive techniques using the Lot of Marriage. Length 1:15:46, 35MB.

Freedom, Ethics, Metaphysics: Philosophical Issues in Traditional Astrology
This lecture explores several views on what astrology is, what the universe could be like, and freedom of the will and determinism. Length 1:21:00, 37MB.

Introduction to Traditional Astrology
This lecture covers eight major differences in technique, attitude, and approach which distinguish traditional astrology from modern types. (Length 38:20, 18MB).

Introduction to Traditional Mundane Part 1
This presentation introduces traditional mundane astrology, beginning with Ptolemy’s method for interpreting and timing eclipses, prices and weather, and historical astrology: framing history into larger and smaller periods, especially using Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions. Length 1:16:09, 36MB.

Introduction to Traditional Mundane Part 2
This audio lecture download discusses numerous techniques in traditional mundane, including eclipses, Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions, triplicity shifts, mundane profections, and Aries ingresses (see full description below). The download includes: MP3 audio, a handout, and slides.Length: 1:55:00, 54MB.

Life Purpose and Spirituality in Traditional Astrology
This lecture introduces three basic techniques for looking at a native’s sense of purpose and spirituality: personal happiness or prime motivation, religion or law, and the Victor of the chart (sometimes called the mubtazz or almuten) Length 1:11:55, 33MB.

Primary Directions Without Tears
This audio download discusses how primary directions differ from other techniques like progressions, and completely explains how to calculate traditional directions using your astrology program’s animation function, illustrated with several chart example. Contains: MP3 and slides. Length: 1:45:00, 49MB.

Saturn in Traditional Mundane Astrology
This special lecture for RubiCon Astrology looks at the role of Saturn in traditional mundane astrology, beginning with Abu Ma’shar’s planetary hierarchy and Saturn’s role as the king and lawgiver, then moving to Saturn-Jupiter mean conjunctions, transits of and/or to Saturn, and Saturn-Mars conjunctions in Cancer. Approx. 1 hour, with audio and slides. $20

Signs and Houses – AFA 2011 Lecture
This lecture from the highly successful AFA 2011 Conference in Arizona combines material on signs, dignities, house classifications, aversions, and interpretation. Much of this will be new to purchasers of other lectures, but it is valuable to beginners in traditional astrology. Length 1:15:00, 36MB.

Thought-interpretation, or The Search of the Heart
This lecture describes “thought interpretation” or the practice of finding what is in a client’s “heart,” in traditional astrology. (Length: 1:00:00, 28MB.)

Two Special Configurations: Aversion and Decimation
This downloadable audio lecture describes two important configurations in traditional astrology, illustrating them with chart examples. See longer description below. Contains MP3 audio, slides, and a handout. (Length: 1:12:00, 33MB.)

Victors, Almutens, and the Holy Guardian Angel
This audio download explains the concept of victors or “almutens” in traditional astrology: how to calculate and understand several types, and how to use Renaissance methods to determine the planetary category and name of one’s personal Angel or Higher Genius. See longer description below. Contains: MP3 and slides. (Length: 2:53:00, 83MB.)

Workshop: Distributions Through the Bounds
This special, hands-on workshop will teach you how to use “distributions,” an ancient and powerful predictive technique, in both natal and solar return charts. Length 3:03:00, 84MB.

Workshop: Elements of Solar Revolutions
This 2.5-hour workshop shows in great detail how to understand and combine several traditional techniques for analyzing a native's chart from year to year, using solar revolutions (solar returns), profections, and the direction of the Ascendant of the solar revolution. Length 2:34:55, 71MB.