A Traditional Approach to Lots
This workshop presents rules and numerous example charts for 6 Lots (“Arabic Parts”) useful in natal interpretation: the Lots of the father, mother, children, marriage, friends, and work/action. No previous knowledge of Lots or allegiance to traditional methods is assumed. See longer description below. Contains: MP3 and slides. Length: 2:50:00, 78MB.
AFA 2011 Traditional Astrology Conference
In September 2011, the oldest American astrological association, the American Federation of Astrologers, hosted a three-day traditional astrology conference. Held in honor of James Holden's research into and historic translations of traditional texts, Benjamin Dykes, Demetra George, and Chris Brennan gave extensive presentations on numerous traditional concepts and techniques. Running at 13 hours of audio (375 MB), this audio download contains MP3 recordings of the proceedings, plus many PDF slides and study aids. See list of lectures below.
Apotelesmatics Book III: On Inceptions
Hephaistion of Thebes’ Apotelesmatics (5th Century AD) is an important record of ancient doctrines on general principles, natal, and electional astrology, largely drawn from the work of Ptolemy and Dorotheus.
Ascensional Times: Theory and Practice
This lecture explains the meaning and uses of ascensional times (measuring how fast the signs rise), from their philosophical meaning to their use in elections, map-making and climes, distributions (a kind of primary direction), judging sect in a chart, personality types across the world, symbolic predictions with triplicity lords of the sect light, and calculating solar return Ascendants.The download includes PDF slides and a handout. Length 1:13:31, 48MB.
Astrological Magic: Basic Rituals & Meditations
Astrological Magic: Basic Rituals & Meditations is designed for both beginning and experienced ritualists. Written by two veteran ritualists with twenty years of experience apiece, it describes magic in terms of spiritual healing, and is especially written for contemporary astrologers (both traditionalists and modernists) who want a more hands-on, ritualized, and astrologically-based spirituality to complement their chart-reading practices.
Astrological Prediction: A Handbook of Techniques
This new work by popular Turkish astrologer Öner Döşer embodies an important new trend in astrology: the harmonizing of traditional and modern techniques for contemporary astrologers. The traditional techniques here include: Ptolemy’s Ages of Man, triplicity periods, distributions or directions through the bounds, primary directions, profections, and firdaria. Contemporary techniques include secondary progressions, solar arcs, and transits. Click here for a PDF excerpt.
Astrological Works of Theophilus of Edessa
This is the first translation of the astrological works of Theophilus of Edessa, from Greek sources and Arabic excerpts. It includes mundane, electional, and natal astrology.
Astrology of the World I: The Ptolemaic Inheritance
Astrology of the World I: The Ptolemaic Inheritance presents numerous selections by Arabic and Latin authors on areas of mundane astrology inspired by Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos. Many texts have been translated directly from Arabic by Benjamin Dykes. Authors include al-Kindi, ‘Umar al-Tabari, al-Rijal, Masha’allah, Abu Ma’shar, ibn Labban, Dorotheus, and ibn Ezra.
Astrology of the World II: Revolutions & History
Ingresses and conjunctional theory from the Persians
Astrology of the World II: Revolutions & History is the second in a trilogy of writings from medieval astrologers, focusing on astrological theories of history, mundane time lords and predictive techniques, Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions, and annual ingresses. Many texts have been translated directly from Arabic, and authors include Masha’allah, Abu Ma’shar, Sahl, ‘Umar al-Tabari and Kankah, al-Qabisi, and al-Rijal (Haly Abenragel).
Bonatti on Basic Astrology
This volume contains Treatise 1-3 of Bonatti’s Book of Astronomy, which covers all areas of basic astrological principles and interpretation, as well as a defense of astrology. Click here for a PDF excerpt.
Bonatti on Elections
A long treatise on elections, often drawing on ‘Ali al-‘Imrani, starting with a thorough discussion on how elections work and how to design them! Elections from all 12 houses, from when to elect surgery to when to make a journey (180 pp). Click here for a PDF excerpt.
Bonatti on Horary
One of the most thorough treatments of horary, drawing especially on the medieval masters Sahl b. Bishr and Masha’allah. Surprising predictive techniques combine elections, solar revolutions, and horary charts. Includes two charts from Bonatti’s own career. Learn whether your horse will win the race, your husband is cheating on you, or the king will fall from grace (278 pp)! Click here for a PDF excerpt.
Bonatti on Lots
This volume is a detailed treatment of Parts or Lots, including the 7 Hermetic Lots, the Lots of the houses, using Lots in commodities speculation and political upheaval and regime changes. Over 100 Lots that cover all branches of astrology, drawing largely on Abu Ma’shar.
Bonatti on Mundane Astrology
A large work on mundane astrology: discovering the Lord of the Year and the significator of the king, the condition of the people, assigning zodiacal degrees to regions of the world, weather and natural disasters, war, comets, eclipses, fixed stars, the Head and Tail of the Dragon. Click here for a PDF excerpt .
Bonatti’s 146 Considerations
The famous handbook of Considerations for judging charts retranslated. Coley’s paraphrased edition is superseded by this version, including key passages on the role of God and freedom in horary. (89 pp). Click here for a PDF excerpt.
Book of Astronomy 1st Edition: Introduction
This downloadable PDF is the Introduction to the 1st Edition of the Book of Astronomy (65 slides).
Choices & Inceptions: Traditional Electional Astrology
Medieval electional astrology in the tradition of Dorotheus
Choices & Inceptions presents numerous works on choosing auspicious times for actions, drawn from the most well-known medieval Persian and Arabic-language authors and compilers: al-Kindi, Sahl bin Bishr, Bethen, al-‘Imrani (Haly Embrany), and al-Rijal (Haly Abenragel). It is the largest collection of traditional electional texts available in modern languages.
Dorotheus’s Carmen Astrologicum (2nd Updated Edition)
This new translation of the Arabic version of Dorotheus contains extensive explanations, notes, diagrams, and the Greek prose Excerpts.
For a short list of errata in the 1st Edition, click or save here.
FAA 2010 Interview: Translating the Tradition
In this interview by Brian Clark, Dr. Dykes explains a bit about his background, what is important about traditional astrology, and its future. Length 38:10, 17MB. $4.99
FAA 2010 Lecture: Introduction to Solar Revolutions
This short lecture introduces several solar revolution techniques, part of the Persian suite of annual predictive techniques: profections, the solar revolution chart, and transits. Length 1:08:57, 31MB.
FAA 2010 Workshop: Special topics
This advanced workshop takes a tour through five special topics in traditional delineation and prediction: detriment and fall, aversion, bounds, stakes/angles and overcoming, and profession. Total length: 3:32:51, 48MB.
FAA 2010: Relationships and sexuality
This lecture introduces traditional techniques for delineating sexuality and relationships in the chart, from the 7th house to Venus, to predictive techniques using the Lot of Marriage. Length 1:15:46, 35MB.
Financial Significators in Traditional Astrology
As part of a new series published by The Cazimi Press, this release by leading Turkish astrologer Öner Döşer explains how to assess financial opportunities and earning capacity in the birth chart, using planetary significators like Jupiter, houses and their lords, and Lots.